Monday, October 24, 2011

Knock Her Off Plzz- Rihanna

On my lunch break on Saturday I decided to go out and purchase the Loud album. I know that I'm way over-due because this album dropped months ago and I already heard all the songs. I'm a sucker for going out and buying the album if I really like the artist. That's kinda backwards I know but that's how i do it when it comes to albums. Makes no sense anticipating a good album and end up being disappointed. So if I really like it i spend the cash to buy it, OK back to what I came here for... I must admit I'm not really feeling the red hair but you gatta say it the girl has swag. She is one of the best dressed females in the industry and is always reinventing her style(Thats a PLUS)!! Also I thought the wardrobe in her album cover was the BEES- KNEES!!! Her stylist needs an immediate raise!!!  Some of my favorites from the cover at the bottom.

Celebrities Style: Rihanna


  1. I wont lie
    She does look good
    *Runs to the gym*


  2. LOL... She has that effect on people... Thanks for checkin out my blog... PLZ follow!!
